La Croyance des Deobandis

Publié le par ibnhazm

La Croyance des Deobandis
Tous les freres Tabligh qui pensent, malheureusement, que la croyance des Savants Deobandis qui ont fonde ce groupe est saine, voila des extraits d'un livre en anglais, qui se trouve sur un Site purement Deobandi :

Ce livre est preface par Yussuf Mutala, qui est un disciple de Zakaryah Kandhlawi, auteur du ''Fadhaul A'mal''.


Rahmatullahi alai Being a Translation of Imam-e-Ahle Sunnah Maulana Abdush-Shakoor Lakhnowi’s ‘Karamate Musaweeyah’

Foreword by: Hazrat Shaikh Maulana Yusuf Motala Sahib
Principal of Darul Uloom Al-Arabiyyah Al-Islamiyyah, Bury, U.K.
Senior Khalifah of Hazrat Shaikh Maulana Muhammad Zakaria Sahib


Some Fuqara (pious mendicants) gave glad tidings of Hazrat becoming a great pious saint even before his birth. For instance one Majzoob (one lost in divine meditation) by the name of Nangai Mia (who used stay naked because his clothes would burn away), used to come to Tadkeshwar from Baruch. On one occasion Hazrat’s grandmother who was inclined to this Majzoob sahib requested him that he make dua that Allah tala grant them a son. The Majzoob sahib commented, "What will you do with a son?" Then he pointing towards Hazrat’s mother, who was still in her childhood, and said, "This girl will bear such a son who will be a great and pious saint." Thereafter, he presented the household with a handkerchief and a ring, which he ordered to be given to that child. By chance the local person at whose house the Majzoob sahib was staying at found out about this favour. So, out of jealousy and envy he stole the handkerchief and ring. Hazrat’s grandmother went and informed the Majzoob sahib regarding the theft. On hearing this the Majzoob sahib commented, "Who ever has stolen these things his house will be destroyed." Hence three sons of that person died. After realizing the outcome of the mistake the person presented himself with the handkerchief and ring and apologized to the Majzoob sahib, who in return said, "There is no need for this now."

Incident 4: Maulana Mahmood sahib Surtee came to Hazrat during his final moments prior to him passing away. Hazrat’s eyes were closed so after Magrib Salaat he called out to Hazrat aloud. On hearing his voice he opened his eyes and asked "Molvi sahib do you want anything?" He replied "Hazrat this is the time." Upon this Hazrat gave his tongue into the mouth of the Maulana. But, unfortunately within a short time he became disappointed due to something and pushed him away. The Maulana fell down and was overcome with Baykhudi (deep spiritual ecstasy). His condition became such that he didn’t even realise that this was the final movements of Hazrat and went straight to Keem Jogi Station and caught the train back to his hometown. When he was at Keem Jogi Station the sound of Allah, Allah was coming from his heart and everyone could hear this sound clearly. This remained his condition until his last time. That same night Hazrat passed away

1) Dans ces deux passages, on voit le principal de leur Universite de Desbury, recommande un livre ou on mentionne un Saint Nu, et les Femmes vont vers ce Saint nu, rechercher des du'a de lui !

Donc ce passage incite les Femmes a aller voir les Saints Nu. La Hawla wa la Quwatta ila Bilahi.

Ceci est une Moquerie de la Shari'ah, et ces Saints Nus ce trouve dans l'Hinduisme et dans le Nudisme tout simplement, comment ces gens la essaie d'introduire cella dans l'Islam.

2) Dans le Deuxieme passage, un Mourid Soufi embrasse son Shaykh sur la Bouche, en mettant sa langue dans la bouche de son Shaykh !

De l'Homosexulalite pure.
Rahmatullahi alai Being a Translation of Imam-e-Ahle Sunnah Maulana Abdush-Shakoor Lakhnowi’s ‘Karamate Musaweeyah’ Foreword by: Hazrat Shaikh Maulana Yusuf Motala Sahib Principal of Darul Uloom Al-Arabiyyah Al-Islamiyyah, Bury, U.K. Senior Khalifah of Hazrat Shaikh Maulana Muhammad Zakaria Sahib extraitsSome Fuqara (pious mendicants) gave glad tidings of Hazrat becoming a great pious saint even before his birth. For instance one Majzoob (one lost in divine meditation) by the name of Nangai Mia (who used stay naked because his clothes would burn away), used to come to Tadkeshwar from Baruch. On one occasion Hazrat’s grandmother who was inclined to this Majzoob sahib requested him that he make dua that Allah tala grant them a son. The Majzoob sahib commented, "What will you do with a son?" Then he pointing towards Hazrat’s mother, who was still in her childhood, and said, "This girl will bear such a son who will be a great and pious saint." Thereafter, he presented the household with a handkerchief and a ring, which he ordered to be given to that child. By chance the local person at whose house the Majzoob sahib was staying at found out about this favour. So, out of jealousy and envy he stole the handkerchief and ring. Hazrat’s grandmother went and informed the Majzoob sahib regarding the theft. On hearing this the Majzoob sahib commented, "Who ever has stolen these things his house will be destroyed." Hence three sons of that person died. After realizing the outcome of the mistake the person presented himself with the handkerchief and ring and apologized to the Majzoob sahib, who in return said, "There is no need for this now." Incident 4: Maulana Mahmood sahib Surtee came to Hazrat during his final moments prior to him passing away. Hazrat’s eyes were closed so after Magrib Salaat he called out to Hazrat aloud. On hearing his voice he opened his eyes and asked "Molvi sahib do you want anything?" He replied "Hazrat this is the time." Upon this Hazrat gave his tongue into the mouth of the Maulana. But, unfortunately within a short time he became disappointed due to something and pushed him away. The Maulana fell down and was overcome with Baykhudi (deep spiritual ecstasy). His condition became such that he didn’t even realise that this was the final movements of Hazrat and went straight to Keem Jogi Station and caught the train back to his hometown. When he was at Keem Jogi Station the sound of Allah, Allah was coming from his heart and everyone could hear this sound clearly. This remained his condition until his last time. That same night Hazrat passed away Dans ces deux passages, on voit le principal de leur Universite de Desbury, recommande un livre ou on mentionne un , et les vont vers ce Saint nu, rechercher des du'a de lui !Donc ce passage incite les Femmes a aller voir les . La Hawla wa la Quwatta ila Bilahi.Ceci est une Moquerie de la Shari'ah, et ces ce trouve dans et dans le tout simplement, comment ces gens la essaie d'introduire cella dans l'Islam.Dans le Deuxieme passage, un embrasse son sur la Bouche, en mettant sa langue dans la bouche de son Shaykh !De pure.
De quoi faire reflechir tous Soufis ou Tablighis ignorant ce fait.

Qu'Allah Ta'aala nous protege des Khurafat Soufis
Voici un article des freres de Ahya sur la Croyances des Grands Savants Deobandis, leur Wahdatul Wujud

Avec les passages scannes des Livres Deobandis.

J'ai confiance que le frere Sadjid cite de facon authentique leur livre. Il avais demande a un Frere des livres ecrits par les Deobandis, qu'il est  alles achetes a Lahore, et il les lui a envoye au Kuwait.

Il ne cite rien sans verifier au prealabale dans le Livre Original. Comme ca, si un Deobandi vient demander la preuve, il peut lui montrer.

Qu'Allah Ta'aala nous protege du Wahadtul Wujud

Publié dans Les Groupes Soufis

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